
Clearing Out Your Garden Waste For The Summer what You Need To Know


It’s spring and the time has come to do some work on the outside of your home and to get that garden going. If the elements of winter were hard on your trees, get started with picking up fallen branches and sticks from your garden and yard.

Tree branches need to be picked up and overgrown shrubs need to be thinned out. If a garden has been neglected during the winter months, strip out weeds and dead grass. It’s a good idea to sit down and map out exactly where we want everything to go.

Setting Up Compost And Mulch


Make arrangements to attain a wood-chipper as this is an excellent way to turn your debris into mulch.

The dead leaves lying around are a good source of compost, but they can keep the grass from regenerating, break them down as soon as possible as possible.

You can add household waste to the garden by composting it or recycling it. Bonfires are not a good idea for getting rid of household waste for environmental reasons.

Kitchen waste can also be incorporated into your compost, but make sure it’s waste of an organic nature.

Contact the local council about garden waste disposal and recycling, otherwise if your gardening and waste disposal needs cannot be met by the local council then locate your nearest waste disposal company for further details.

Compost Storage


Including a compost bin in your garden is a very environmental way of disposing of not just your garden waste but kitchen waste too. Composting can reduce your household waste a great deal and if done properly, can later be used as fertilizer.

However, if not managed, your compost can be a breeding ground for insects and rodents. In this case, contact your council for disposal arrangements. You can bag, store, or pile leaves in a nearby bin for year around composting.

Some ways that bins can be created are by using chicken wire, field fencing, and plastic hoops with holes which are available and are fairly inexpensive. Do some research and find out which leaves take a long time to turn into mulch, for some species it might be as long as a year.

Plan ahead for the future

If you’re planning on making new purchases for your garden, consult with a gardener or landscaper at the nursery you use and check the calendar for the best planting dates. Some plants will be strong enough to handle the cool spring nights and be planted immediately. Lastly, when planning the scheme of your garden, be mindful of the environment.